39 Comics Categorized "Epic research fail" (page 2 of 2)

Show a stick figure scene of a time when you were responsible for looking up information – directions, a recipe, movie times, a phone number – and you failed and there were funny or serious consequences.

2 people standing near the crossroads, one person tells that we need to go left.

Epic research fail

I had a situation with my friend, where we were on the summer trip in another city, and we wanted to go to our hotel. But we both…

This was the day I never forget. On this day I decided to make a special recipe for my guests but all of the sudden my food catches the fire and the fire alarm starts beeping. That was really a embarrassing as well as scary moment for me.

Epic Research Fail

all food burns for guests

confused person on the phone taking notes

Epic research fail

When I worked at a grocery store, our printers would malfunction all the time. I was responsible for calling tech support; one time, I asked for the wrong…

A figure with a question mark on her head is looking at a map on the laptop screen.

Epic Research Fail

One time I was doing a research and I forgot that different countries could have the same city names. I ended up researching information about another place and…

A frustrated man stands in front of a long line of people.


I was meant to research how to do online check-in for a flight. Failed to do so and ended doing a 2+ hour line just to do what…

Stick figure person researching for an assignment on the computer that is due soon. Later on, failed the assignment because of wrong research.

Epic Research Fail

Once I had an assignment that I didn’t complete on time due to some family issues. I had to research for it on the very last day in…

Car going to Vancouver instead of Langley

Epic Research Fail

My boyfriend and I were driving home from the beach. I gave him the wrong directions so we ended up almost going to Vancouver instead of Langley.

stick figures stuck in traffic

Research Fail

Going to work I give my brother directions to avoid traffic on the highway but still end up getting stuck in traffic.

Research Fail

Going to work I give my brother directions to avoid traffic on the highway but still end up getting stuck in traffic.

two people in a car

Epic Research Fail

My boyfriend and I were on the way to a Youth event and I thought we were having it at the mall because that is where our youth…

I am explaining to my mom that the movie started at 6pm however it was not playing on the tv.

Epic Research Fail

I confused Eastern and Pacific time together the movie channel we watch on is pacific time so we should have watched at 3pm. When we turned on the…

A girl cooking.

Epic Research Fail

Whenever I cooked, I always check for the recipe online. One evening, I decided to cooked a local food for me and my sister. As I was about…

Me and my friend trying barbecue first time

Epic research fail

In this comic me and my friend tried to do barbecue in our backyard for the first time and we ended up burning the entire dish.

two people in a car facing the road

Epic Research Fail

There were many instances where I was the one in charge of navigation. However, I am the worst person to ask regarding navigation because I tend to become…

A person slipping on a banana peel

Epic research fail

This person was trying to walk and show himself off, but he ended up falling on the floor when he slipped on a banana peel and got hurt…

Two cars driving on the highway deciding to go straight or take the exist.

Epic Research Fail

My family and I were going on a road trip. We were going to California, which is a 18 hour drive. As we were driving my dad realized…

Stick figure girl is sitting in the car in the passenger seat with a stick figure man driving.

Epic fail

I was in charge of directions and was using Google Maps to help me do so and I lead my boyfriend who was driving to the wrong turn…

A stick figure being confused about the road directions and another 2 stick figures being angry on the first one for loosing the correct directions and they end up on a dead end road somewhere in BC.

Epic Research Fail

So one time I was supposed to direct my father about the directions to Whistler and some how I put the wrong address and we were lost somewhere…

Coming out of the parking lot and not being able to find my car

Epic Research Fail

There was a time when my friend and I went to Metrotown and the underground parking lot is huge. It took us 20 minutes to find our car.