Faulty Memory

I have left my house and am driving to school and suddenly get a call from my mom. My mom, on the phone, tells me that she is standing in my washroom and I forgot to unplug my hair straightener. I was so sure I unplugged it but thankfully she checked.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.ASHND
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: The stick figure, me, in the car is on the phone with my mom. On the other side there is my mom standing in the washroom on the phone with me. In the washroom there is a plugged hair straightner

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  1. jaskiran singh

    omg I do that all the time, sometimes I rush for work and forget that I plugged something but I am glad your mom seen it before anything bad happened

  2. Schae Arugay

    So glad your mom saw it since that it one of my biggest fears haha

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