Myth About Humans

In some traditions, cutting your fingernails at night opens the door for negative spirits to enter your body through the fresh-cut in your fingernails. According to Japanese legend, evil spirits only appear at night, so you should not trim your fingernails at night, the myth says.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12ZEEE
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Hands cutting fingernails.

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  1. Mansher

    This one seems to to be spooky but nice. I was aware of the one from India but this myth is new to me.
    I wasn’t sure why they existed but apparently they were a passed down tradition in India to prevent injuries, they didn’t have much electricity back then. I’m curious if there are any other myths about this practice.
    Also, I really like your comic; the visuals are detailed and interesting, It looks like a poster 🙂

  2. Muskanpreet Kaur

    WOW! I like your artistic skills and your comic story also.

  3. chandanpreet kaur

    i like your creativity it looks like a poster.great art skills.

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