9 Comics Tagged "KPU12.JOEYT"

stick figure sad and tired to stick figure happy and energized

Before and after taking this course

At the beginning of this course I was always in a bad mood and tired but after taking this course I began to sleep more due to my…

Stick figure helping another stick figure bench pressing

My hero story

In this comic, my friend was bench pressing but could not lift up the weight so I had to help him lift it up. If I did not…

Stick figure baking but is missing an ingredient

Missing Data

In this comic, I was baking cookies but half way through I realized I was missing an ingredient so I was not able to continue baking.

Stick figure laying in bed, not able to move.


In this comic, I was laying down in bed and sleeping. I then woke up in the middle of the night and was not able to move or…

stick figures stuck in traffic

Research Fail

Going to work I give my brother directions to avoid traffic on the highway but still end up getting stuck in traffic.

Research Fail

Going to work I give my brother directions to avoid traffic on the highway but still end up getting stuck in traffic.

stick figure knocking on wood


In this picture, I am knocking on wood to avoid any bad luck for something I said or did.

stick figure knocking on wood (log)


In this picture, I am knocking on wood to avoid any bad luck due to something I said or did.

Stick figure giving bag to other stick figure while they were not looking


In this picture my coworker was low on supplies so I left extra supplies at his work space without him knowing.