My Hero Story

I was walking behind someone on the street who it looked like had earphones in. I noticed as they took something out of their pocket, a $100 bill fell on the floor without them realizing. I yelled “excuse me” multiple times but they couldn’t hear me, so I quickly picked up the bill and ran towards them to tap them on their shoulder. They were very grateful for my act of kindness and that I did not just walk away with the $100 bill, so they offered to buy me a coffee as a thank you.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.NADIG
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Stick figure stopping another stick figure who dropped $100 while walking.

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  1. Abigail Eiden Vinas

    That is such a generous act. Well done!

  2. That’s so kind of you that you help that person. good job!

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