25 Comics Categorized "Stuff happens!!!" (page 2 of 2)

Think about a time when technology failed you and there were consequences.

Stick figure sitting on chair, using computer and looking worried


In this image, i was sitting on the chair and doing my maths quiz eventually i got out of the test due to network issue ,i tried alot…

Person standing on the side walk with wide eyes holding a phone with apartment buildings behind them.

Stuff Happens!

Once I was bussing home by myself for one of the first times, and — of course — I accidentally got on the wrong bus! It took me…

A person on the left holding a phone showing text messages. Then on the left, later that month, the person is holding a phone bill, that says $589.

Stuff Happpens

Back in high school, my boyfriend at the time went back to his home country in Europe. To still be able to talk to each other for free,…

A stick figure girl is on a cell phone with an angry expression. There is a house next to her with a no wifi symbol.

Stuff Happens

I recently moved into a new house, and I tried to set up my Wi-Fi connection through Freedom. I was told that I would be receiving a router…

A sad man stands outside his powerless home


Payed my power bill through the app but somehow it wasn’t registered in their system. The co. cut my power and didn’t reconnect us for a whole two…