Before/After Taking This Course

Before this course, whenever I tried to make a plan or something, it usually never works or it just does not go well, which was also the case with my Get Cape Project. Now, even though I would still probably “go with the flow”, when I make plans, I will make them a bit more precise and try harder to follow them.
Apart from that, there are other things that have changed after taking this course (not in the comic) like the project itself, which has motivated me to continue what I had started and do more, and some of the reading in the course textbook was fascinating! (My favourite was Chapter 9: Intelligence and Language).
Thank you all for this lovely semester! Take care!

Btw: My table isn’t always that messy.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.THARJ
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Comic divided into two sides: Before ~ Stick figure at an unorganized table, working on the computer annoyed and tired. Thought bubble reads - “I have to finish that and do that… oh and that too”. After ~ Stick figure at an organized table, working on the computer. The stick figure is happier than before, beside the stick figure, there are some notes and a To-Do List. Thought bubble reads - “Ok almost… Done. Break time!”

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  1. I really liked your thoughts and me to the project motivated. Also, it turned me into a new me so I’m happy to read your thoughts about this course.

  2. chandanpreet kaur

    your art is amazing.your thoughts can be seen in the picture.

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